Native Americans Today lesson plan

 I think this lesson is a great way to discuss stereotypes and help students to understand them in a deeper way. Having the students list what they think of when talking about Native Americans, is a great resource for students to look back on as they complete the lesson. They can prove their own stereotypes wrong and learn why stereotypes can be harmful. Native Americans are portrayed in movies and TV shows completely different than how they live in real life. This portrayal can be harmful to the native population and leads people to believe they are many things they are not. This lesson can also be helpful to show that everything portrayed in the media is not always correct. People like to exaggerate things for their own entertainment. I also think it is important to address the difference between Native Indians and East Indians.

I love how this lesson has students completing different types of research, both online and through different books. This allows for the students to learn how to research and the books provide a bases on what they should be looking for online. Giving students a specific thing they should be researching, can help them stay on track. I also love the fact that the research is on Native Americans, as I don't think the Native population receives enough recognition. In Texas, I haven't experienced a lot of run-ins with the Native American culture, but our bordering state has a large native population. 

I think I would also address the difference between Native Indians and East Indians in more depth. I think it can be confusing for younger students and create harsh stereotypes. Students might group the two together thinking they are the same when they are in fact very different. By addressing this at a young age, students are able to have an easier time distinguishing the difference. 


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