
In all honestly, what makes me who I am changes from day to day. It's not that my identity changes daily but what I think identifies me the most changes daily. Some days, I would say my work is my identity but other days I might say my dog is my identity. The reality is so many different components make up who I am. This year, my identity has mainly been in my roommates. These are the girls I do daily life with and look to in times of need. We know each other like the back of our own hands and consider each other family. They have become my rock and if someone knows me, they know them. My other identity consists of my mom and my mom only. Throughout my life, she has been my biggest supporter and works daily to better herself. Her devotion to me and our relationship has shaped me into who I am. 

I honestly don't know if identities can lie in other people. I truly can't think of a better way to express my identity. These people are all reflections of myself. I get my compassion and loyalty from Mads, passion and strength from Tyler, humor and reliability from Sabrina, and my whole being reflects my mom. I like to believe that everyone around me can see these things as well. Without them, I would be a hollow shell of a human. Even my dog has formed my identity in so many ways. Not only has she made me a dog mom but she also has taught me more than I was ever prepared for. She has taught me responsibility and to always be there when people need me. I could name hundreds of other people that have helped me become who I am now. I love the idea that people are just reflections of those around them. It shows that everyone has people to rely on and look up to. I hope that I continue to reflect so many important people throughout my life.


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